Buddha is a supremely enlightened being with great wisdom, loving-kindness and compassion. If our minds are always being with Buddha, then naturally we’ll have brightness, pure awareness, loving-kindness and compassion. |

Buddha-nature is innate in every one of us. We are all potentially Buddhas. It is only due to our ignorance and delusion that we cannot see our intrinsic Buddha nature. We remind each other to say “Be with Buddha 與佛同在” so we will not forget our innate Buddha nature. |
Due to our desire, anger and ignorance, we commit unwholesome deeds such as killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, divisive speech etc. As such, we become very distant from the Buddha. Because Buddha is compassionate, when we are being with Buddha we will also be compassionate. Buddha has wisdom. When we are being with Buddha, we will also have wisdom. Buddha performs virtuous deeds and never commits unwholesome actions. So, being with Buddha we will also be likewise. Buddha’s mind is pure and bright. If we maintain purity and brightness of mind, that is being with Buddha. |
Frequently saying “Be with Buddha 與佛同在” can eradicate many of our karmic hindrances, lifting us from darkness to brightness, from suffering to bliss. |
When we say “Be with Buddha 與佛同在”, we are being with all Buddhas of the ten directions in the past, present and future. We emulate Buddhas in their spirit and practice, and aspire towards enlightenment. |
Following the Buddha’s teachings and putting them into practice in your everyday life, you will naturally understand the meaning of “Be with Buddha 與佛同在” when you have attained a higher level of cultivation and wisdom. |
It is indeed meaningful for all Buddhists to advocate saying “Be with Buddha 與佛同在”. If everyone is being with Buddha, there is no darkness in our minds. The world can then be a bright, harmonious and blissful pure land where the way of life is motivated by the qualities of morality, generosity, selflessness, wisdom, loving-kindness and compassion. |