Buddhist Dharma eBooks & Audio Books
Learn to be Buddha  

Learn to be Buddha

"To learn to be Buddha means to learn to attain the pristine mind of Buddha."

~ Reverend Ming-An Chen ~

Buddha is not just an image or a statue of the great enlightened universal teacher. Sakyamuni Buddha, or any other historical Buddha. It also means having an enlightened mind that is pristinely aware of the unequivocal reality. Every sentient being has the potential to be awakened to an enlightened mind and to become Buddha.

Learn to be Buddha presents concepts and practices for Buddhist practitioners who aspire a pristine mind - a mind that is fully aware and awakened, in other words, to become Buddha. This is the ultimate goal of Buddhist cultivation. It points to the heart of Buddhism - to observe the mind with pristine awareness and refrain from engaging with the endless 'arising and ceasing' of unnecessary thoughts. These teachings have been carefully selected to guide Buddhist practitioners towards cultivating a pure mind that is pristinely aware.

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Becoming Wise  

Becoming Wise

"One if limited by one's thinking mind. When there is no mind, one is boundless."

~ Reverend Ming-An Chen ~

This collection of excerpts selected from talks by Reverend Ming-An Chen, illuminates the mindsets and attitudes necessary to grow as a person and Buddhist practitioner. In his characteristically clear and straightforward manner, Reverend Chen encourages us to demand more of ourselves, view things with clarity and let go of our attachments. In doing so, we uncover the wisdom already within us to face everything in life.





Dynamics of the Mind  

Dynamics of the Mind

"Buddha is like an enormous radiant sun. He has no ignorance and his boundless brightness permeates the infinite space. All of us have the same enormous radiant sun, but it is often obscured by our dark clouds of ignorance. Once we eradicate our dark clouds of ignorance, we will be able to see the sun, and it is just as enormous and bright."

In this book, Reverend Ming-An Chen provides the fundamental basis for cultivation - the need to understand the significant relationship between our Buddha-nature and the mind, the resulting interplay of causes, conditions and effects, and how it all comes together to influence the journey of our life and determine its outcome.

Many of us continually seek external Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, yet never realising that within ourselves is a most compassionate Buddha. This book will help us discover that.


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Sprouting your wisdom life cover  

Sprouting Your Wisdom Life

Can destiny be change

Why are hardships and setbacks considered positive conditions?

Why is maintaining awareness so important? How does it affect the choices we make and the outcomes we face?

This is remarkable collection of excerpts explores some of the most common experiences we encounter in life and cultivation. Reverend Ming-An Chen offers pragmatic guidance to transcending ourselves from the grind and challenges of everyday life by encouraging us to attain our wisdom life.

Wisdom life is an inner state of being that is harmonised with the nature of our pure awareness. It is an enlightened "life" (which is non-physical), based on and guided by our pure awareness, that eventually leads to ultimate enlightenment and liberation.

Sprouting Your Wisdom Life urges us to delicate ourselves to progress in our practice. It inspires us to effect an inner transformation that brings about genuine happiness, peace and harmony.

"Liberation is transcending everything about oneself, including one's limited way of thinking."

~ Reverend Ming-An Chen ~

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108 Gems Book cover  

108 Gems Words of Wisdom

This collection of 108 Gems is specially selected from the works of Venerable Master Shen-Kai, one of the most highly respected Buddhist Masters of our time. Each of these inspirational words of wisdom is universal and directed at our heart and mind. They offer the perfect therapy to upfit anyone seeking peace, happiness, bliss and liberation in life.

"Illumine the mind,
then everyday is a bright day."

~ Venerable Master Shen-Kai ~

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108 gems II Book cover  

108 Gems II Words of Wisdom

This collection of 108 Gems is specially picked from the works of Venerable Master Shen-Kai, one of the most highly respected Buddhist Masters of our time. Each of these inspirational words of wisdom is universal and directed at our heart and mind. They offer the perfect therapy to upfit anyone seeking peace, happiness, bliss and liberation in life.

"In whatever we do,
adopt the principle of not hindering others."

~ Venerable Master Shen-Kai ~

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Awakening the Sleeping Mind


Awakening the Sleeping Mind

There are very few of us who are actually clear-minded and awake. Mostly, we exist in slumber, unmindfully grasping on to what is known in Buddhism as the Five Desires and Six Dusts of life.

Happiness is a birthright of everyone. Yet, why is there no happiness in life? When we die, is that the end of us? What is karma and how does it affect our life now and hereafter? Who is responsible? How can we distance from suffering and live life with bliss and happiness?

Awakening the Sleeping Mind is a small collection of answers that were given by Venerable Master Shen-Kai, teacher of the Buddhahood Lineage World Humanity Vehicle Buddhism (Jen Chen Buddhism), during his talks in many countries. In characteristically clear and simple language, the Venerable Master provides illuminating insights into the reality of life and death, and offers practical guidance on how to apply the ancient wisdom of the Buddha to our everyday lives.


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Teacup is not a Teacup


Teacup is not a Teacup

Teacup is not a Teacup is a collection of publications, discussions and public talks given by Venerable Master Shen-Kai, one of the most highly respected Buddhist Masters of our time. In this book, the Venerable Master cuts to the heart of Buddhist teachings, guiding us to penetrate through the superficiality of appearances and labels by which we define everything, to see the interplay of causes, conditions and effects, and realise the essential nature of everything. Thus, we understand how every aspect of our suffering - unhappiness, worries, aging, sickness and death, can be ultimately uprooted through a profound realisation of our true nature and the reality of our lives with clarity, wisdom and right actions, so we become our own masters in creating meaningful lives, attaining inner liberation and finding true happiness and peace on earth.

"If one sees me by forms or seeks me in sounds,
one is practicing the wrong path and
cannot perceive the Tathagata."

~ Diamond Sutra ~


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When will it be the End of the World

Buddha's Teaching: When will it be the End of the World?

  1. About the Author
  2. Buddha's Teaching: When will it be 'The End of the World'?
  3. Promoting Jen Chen (Humanity Vehicle) Buddhism to Build a Pure Land in this World.
  4. Buddhahood Sect World Jen Chen (Humanity Vehicle) Buddhism

~ Venerable Master Shen Kai ~


Cultivating Your Wisdom and Happiness

Cultivating your Wisdom and Happiness


An Introduction to Venerable Master Shen-Kai

An Introduction to Buddhahood Sect World Jen Chen Buddhism

  1. Why is there no happiness in life?
  2. Why learn from the Buddha?
  3. What are the benefits of learning and practising Buddhism?
  4. What is the wisdom of the Buddha? How can we unfold our Buddha-wisdom?
  5. How should a lay Buddhist cultivate?
  6. A pure mind, hence a Buddha Pure Land. How do we make the mind pure?
  7. What are the principles of Jen Chen or Humanity Vehicle Buddhism?
  8. What are the differences between the buddhadharma and the ways of the world?
  9. What is the ultimate buddhadharma?
  10. What is the difference between society educated by Buddhism, and Buddhism influenced by society?
  11. How should a Buddhist "apply the supramundane mentality whist performing his work in the world"?
  12. How do we practise the method of "viewing matters with positive perspective and right understanding"?
  13. How should we practise Buddhism to liberate ourselves from suffering, worries and vexations?
  14. Is there any difference between learning Buddhism and studying Buddhism?
  15. What is the importance of "practice" to a Buddhist?
  16. What is the method of ultimate cultivation?
  17. How can a Buddhist cultivate himself, and support and protect the Dharma in the truest manner?
  18. "If we do not commit bad deeds but instead help others... then what need there to learn Buddhism?"
  19. What are merits and blessings? Is being a vegetarian considered meritorious?
  20. How should we curb the distractive thoughts that arise in our mind?
  21. Why learn and practise Buddhism?
  22. How to treat all sentient beings with equality and compassion like the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas?
  23. How do we apply the Law of Causality?

~ Venerable Master Shen Kai ~

Karma and Life After Death  

Karma and Life After Death


An Introduction to Venerable Master Shen-Kai

An Introduction to Buddhahood Sect World Jen Chen Buddhism

  1. What is karma?
  2. Will we become ghosts when we die? How does karma affect our rebirth?
  3. How do hindrances come about from karma?
  4. How does our negative karma arise?
  5. How do we cleanse ourselves of negative karma?
  6. What is 'Mara'? How does it cauyse hindrances?
  7. What is the difference between karmic hindrances and Mara hindrances?
  8. How can we eliminate our negative karma?
  9. Can rebirth take place regardless of the type of karma we have?
  10. How should people cultivate to have a good ending in life and face no obstructions in rebirth?
  11. After a person dies, approximately how many days does it take for him to be reborn?
  12. How can we help the deceased to be reborn in a virtuous realm?
  13. Why does the soul of the deceased still cause disturbances? Which realm is that from?
  14. After my father died, he did not bless us with peace. What can I do about it?
  15. What causes people to become ghosts when they die?
  16. What are the differences between human beings and ghosts?
  17. If people decend to hell or become ghosts due to their past evil deeds, are they doomed forever?
  18. How does Jen Chen Buddhism relate to the vows of Ksitigarbha (Di Zang) Bodhisattva?
  19. Does Buddhism guide the living or the dead to salvation?
  20. When a person dies, why do we chant 'Amitabha Buddha'?
  21. Is it true that a Buddhist cannot be reborn in the Buddha Pure Land if he was not cremated?
  22. After a person dies, is there nothing left of him?
  23. Should animals be killed to hasten their rebirth to another realm?
  24. What is the difference between Nirvana and death?

~ Venerable Master Shen Kai ~

Illusion of Name and Form

Illusion of Name and Form


An Introduction to Venerable Master Shen-Kai

An Introduction to Buddhahood Sect World Jen Chen Buddhism

  1. Illusion of name and form
  2. There are form and emptiness in the arising and ceasing of causes and conditions
  3. There is no fixed law in causes and conditions
  4. Eight kinds of suffering
  5. Ceasing the links of dependent origination
  6. Buddhism is a religion that truly transcends forms and idols

~ Venerable Master Shen Kai ~

We are Responsible for What we are

We Are Responsible for What We Are


An Introduction to Venerable Master Shen-Kai

An Introduction to Buddhahood Sect World Jen Chen Buddhism

  1. Pure mind - pure land, our inherent nature Amitabha
  2. Purity of three karmas
  3. Karmic fruit
  4. Why do people bear consequences according to their karma?
  5. Everything is created by the mind
  6. We are responsible for what we are
  7. Impermanence

~ Venerable Master Shen Kai ~